An infinite amount of nothing is constantly creating reality.
Reality being divided by infinity creates nothing.
Putting nothing above or below reality creates infinity.
Is there only this reality? Do we know of other realities? Am I me, who is him, who is you, who is I?
Am I you, yet not you, and in what reality?
To speak about that infinity is to speak of the basis of all substance and change; energy and matter. I will speak now on the level of humans as individuals, and the separate, yet so wholly joined realities that we all experience. As Homo Sapiens, we have no idea what it is to be a rock. Or a dog, or a cat. Through science we can come to conclusions about how different organisms experience the world around them, but to be inside that consciousness, to experience with all the emotion (or lack there of) that that organism is witnessing, we cannot do.
And even just in the realm of humans. Many people end up growing in the same place for most of their lives, constantly forging new bonds with others, and strengthening existing bonds further. However, for the person that has only moved around one country, they know not what it is like to experience the life of someone on another continent. And this should not be looked at in the sense of one life is ignorant or unaware of the other life. We can read in many different places, or ask many different people, what it is like to live and experience reality there. Bottom line is that I can read as much as I want about the Iraqi people and how they are living right now. Some media says they are in horrible conditions and they hate all Americans. Some say quite the opposite. We will never know which one is true without experiencing it with our own eyes, our own realities.
Chances are both are probably true, but in the end without seeing it yourself, we will never know. In a world of exaggerated stories, controversial views, a million different opinions and facts (sometimes used synonymously) and many different truths, how can we decipher which is which? How can we wholly decide that we are correct based on our views?
We can't. In the end, to each his own. You should believe what you really want to believe, whatever you believe is true. Many people might put you down, and disagree. But let them be to their own reality. We are all experiencing the same thing; that which is life; but it is our opinions that truly make us human. Our differential views are what fuel the change, what produce the energy of this world. So please, believe in pink dragons, believe in global warming, believe in yourself. Whatever you choose, just make it the best you can for your life and for the life of your offspring. As we grow older and closer to death, we must pass the baton so that our children can run strong.
Let's not tie their shoelaces together before the race.